My First Step

2 min readOct 20, 2021

It’s been a while since I wrote something ….

I used to love putting my thoughts on words and paper , I remember vividly the distinct smell of ink drying, using my favourite pen and scribbling for hours .. joking… I am a millennial and I started my love for writing on a blog I did not on paper.

I never had the patience to write stories or ideas on paper, I hate rubbing off written things in ink, I detest it because I make a mess so I prefer to be able to delete and rewrite as many times as I would like to. So thank you technology.

Having created my first blog called Kwinoja on Wordpress like 8 years ago , it feels like I have lost practice . I blogged for 3 years till I lost interest and lost inspiration due to the popularity of Twitter and Instagram , I got derailed.

People rarely read long articles as much. I blame my focus on them ( I know not cool), since I work on social media I had to learn and use these new platforms as well.

The blog is still up you can check it out by clicking Kwinoja to know more about who she was back then..

All in all today I wanted to get out my first article, It feels great having my thoughts read by others and can help you think of different things as well.I hope to have sparked something in you truly.

My biggest fear is to find out that I may not be as a good writer as I think I am or used to be. But practice does make perfect and I am willing to keep trying and writing.

I have become lazy to read, I don’t have much practice in writing and even being grammatically correct , But I am unlearning and learning new ways to share my love for writing here once again and I know its never too late to do the things you love.

Thanks for reading, let me know what you think.





lover of writing. learning to perfect my craft. sharing my thoughts and feelings in words..